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air engine 空氣發動機。

air fight

The first modern torpedo ( 1866 ) carried an 18 - lb ( 8 - kg ) charge of dynamite in its nose and was powered by a compressed - air engine driving a single propeller ; its range was 200 - 700 yards ( 180 - 640 m ) 第一枚現代魚雷( 1866 )在其頭部裝載了8公斤的炸藥,并用壓縮空氣發動機帶動單螺旋槳推進;射程為180 640公尺。

Main products : filters and filter elements for air engine oil and fuel filtering . used in automobiles . tractors . powerful diesel engines . construction machines . and oil tankers etc 主要產品:汽車、拖拉機、大馬力柴油機、施工機械、重油船用柴油機用的空氣、機油、燃油三大系列的濾清器、濾芯。

Numerical simulation of the compressed air engine system 壓縮空氣發動機系統的數值模擬